Saturday, July 9, 2011

Yep-- another one-- need I say more???

OK-- this might start to sound like a real neurosis-- when it justifies Tesla's remarkable achievements and discoveries.  To be honest-- these discoveries, like the great thinkers of the time before him... dare to sail off the end of a flat earth.

Let's start with some familiar but different artwork:

Look familiar-- check out our articles explaining why this site is absolute rubbish.

Whoo-shoo-- check out earlier posts-- they change everytime I check 'em out.  Se an early version here:

Not that these sites are doing anything creative or new-- they're copying exactly-- word for word-- from the original source.  Why should I be surprised?  It is this type of person that uses this to SCAM-- to eke out a living off an unsuspecting (dare I say - nieve  public.  Well-- they can be sucked into a fake SCAM (and I only have hatred for the scam-artists).  

Nothing is FREE.  Do you really believe that what they're telling you (FREE ENERGY) is real?  And... I am telling you this for FREE! 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

More Stupid Tesla Sites-- More of the Same!

Everytime time I do a simple search on "good Tesla Sites"-- I get a whole crop of garbage.  These are the sites that continue to sell the same piece of bullsh*t that I reported earlier.  Read that earlier article HERE!

The site in question is:

More specifically this:

I do NOT care whether there is any legitimate stuff on this site (which I doubt).   Well, actually, I do.  Most people don't read to the end of most articles-- so I'm gonna tell you RIGHT NOW that these sites are full of sh*t. They are nothing but hoaxsters/thieves, that will take your money at any opportunity.  We are a planet of "trillions."  Think about that.  Trillions.

I guarantee if there is a cheaper way to power our world, even in the small confines of our homes, we WOULD KNOW about it.  I cintinue to run across these sites promising essentially something from nothing-- ..."something from nothing" ...well... think about it this way.  The big Energy companies are selling you power every minute of the day.  Do you think that they're using the technology in this blatant and obviously fraudulent site to give you energy to run your household.  It would make sense that they'd be using the technology as well. Shit, it only cost $20-$30 dollars to try it out.  (I will pay you back the money you have invested in the CRAP 100% if you prove to me that it works). This new, magical energy would amount to 100% profit for them-- the shisters (no loss in production of this alleged mystical power).  Sounds like a "can't be true" business model.  That's because it is.  I really have no problem with you using your buckets and buckets of money to grab a-hold of the newest "thing."  (most of us don't have buckets-- but you obviously do if you throw cash at these guys).  But please, and if you have any humanity-- when you realize the lugnut technology they're selling is not doing anything for you, please come back here-- and tell all the other readers-- so they don't continue to finance these snake-oil salesmen.

They ( have the balls to say their site is "Dedicated to Reviewing the Best Products for You."  (Their words).

People-- you are getting ripped off-- simple as that.  Don't you think we'd be hearing about this from some of the most intelligent scientists in the ENTIRE world if this had an inkling of legitimacy, instead of some shady shisters somewhere in California.  Do a "Better Business" check on any of these bogus sites, and I GUARANTEE you will find (or not find anything-- even eerier)  problems.  My $100 offer to anyone who can prove that this technology has even a kernel of truth-- still stands.
Read  about it here.

So, to consolidate-- here are two sites, selling the same crap:
Same site, same crap:

Here's another one-- it's like shooting fish in a barrel:

(What's absolutely hilarious about this site, is the supposed response to a question from a questioning mind:
"Does Anyone Any  Have Any Good Websites Where I Can Find Free Energy Devices Windmills Solar Panels Ex?" -- first off-- excellent English there-- ARRRG -- no!  The links the author of this
"site" provides the same page (need I go into actual English language. spell checking and grammar checking. Come on-- coming from the Ad Industry-- anything of any professionally quality goes though a dozen hands before it's published (in print or on the web).:

If you would like to verify my accreditation in the Advertisement business (especially in the online world)-- I will provide.  Send me an email and I will send you my CV.  All have phone numbers and email addresses you can phone or email for validation.

I'm sure there will be much much more to crap to come.  Check back-- this list is bound to grow.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nikola Tesla Forbidden Knowledge

It's easy to troll through Youtube and find "demonstrations" of electronic technology that somehow illustrates some "mystic" power pulled out of nothing that is in any way connected to Nikola Tesla's theories and experiments.

What I continue to come across is the "TRANSMISSION" of energy through space... not the drawing, CREATING, or "sucking" of energy from space (or the earth, or magnet fields, or the atmosphere etc etc etc.).

Throw a bunch of twisted nonsensical and otherwise almost scientific theories at an unsuspecting crowd, and you'll probably fool most of them.  After all, they're there because they want to believe.

To be perfectly honest, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Oh-- and if you watch more than half the video-- you will watch the incredibly technical dudes trying to figure out how to use a microphone.

Here the site pulls: (please only read if you have nothing of any value to do):
II. THE LAY FAITHFUL 897 “The term ‘laity’ is here understood to mean all the faithful except those in Holy Orders and those who belong to a religious state approved by the Church. That is, the faithful, who by Baptism are incorporated into Christ and integrated into the People of God, are made sharers in their particular way in the priestly, prophetic, and kingly office of Christ, and have their own part to play in the mission of the whole Christian people in the Church and in the World.”430 The vocation of lay people 898 “By reason of their special vocation it belongs to the laity to seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God’s will. . . . It pertains to them in a special way so to illuminate and order all temporal things with which they are closely associated that these may always be effected and grow according to Christ and maybe to the glory of the Creator and Redeemer.”431 899 The initiative of lay Christians is necessary especially when the matter involves discovering or inventing the means for permeating social, political, and economic realities with the demands of Christian doctrine and life. This initiative is a normal element of the life of the Church: Lay believers are in the front line of Church life; for them the Church is the animating principle of human society. Therefore, they in particular ought to have an ever-clearer consciousness not only of belonging to the Church, but of being the Church, that is to 

I hope you haven't wasted your time reading this sludge.  But if you have... WTF???  Dude, I'm here as a sounding board-- and will in no way censor what you say.  Give me something.   

Why does this garbage continue to pulse an IP Address?  I can't help but wonder if I'm just doing the same by pointing them out.



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tesla - the Electric Jesus!

OK-- this is another video that compresses Nikola Tesla's life into 5 minutes and 36 seconds.  It includes some surprise actors which begs the question-- what does this guy have on them to make them do this video?

And to be fair, it's actually pretty accurate, and quite funny.  Hey-- I have a sense of humour.  I'm not sure if I can vouch for the ditch-digging comment, though.

Time Travel, other Dimensions, and Tesla (and Einstein)

This is not exactly a website, but it has almost half a million hits on Youtube, so I just can't resist posting it here.

Glenarino describes a "Bio-chromatic Integrator" that is "a blending of Alien Science and 'old' Atlantean science."  As a Project Manager, I assure you that I would not be using "Old Atlantean science".  I'd be jumping right into the new Atlantean science.  Just sayin'. 

And good God!  We now know how Tesla's died.  It wasn't of natural causes and just plain ignorance of the US at the time-- he was killed because of the Philadelphia Experiment.  Theoretically. 

I won't even comment on the choppy editing to get their disinformation across. (Oop-- I guess I just did that.  Honestly, they had to edit some of the crap squirting out of this guy's mouth?  One can only imagine those missing bits...)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Stupid Tesla Site #1: NikolaTeslaSecret.

Let's simply begin by quoting a couple lines from their "Disclaimer & Hold Harmless Agreement."

"No warranty is expressed or implied concerning the suitability of the Technology or related information. The Technology is purely experimental; therefore no specific results can be guaranteed for any purpose or application."

A little further down on that page:
1. There is no warranty that the Technology is merchantable or that it is fit for a particular purpose or area.
I had to check to see exactly what "merchantable" meant  (to be honest...I've never used that word in a sentence), and indicated that "merchantable" meant:
Suitable for purchase or sale; marketable: "of merchantable quality"

More, and I quote...
6. Since the knowledge provided with the Technology, as well as on the Publisher's web site, are provided AS-IS, there is no warranty for the Technology, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and....  BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.   (Just to be clear, the "BLAH's are mine-- but they might as well have been on the actual webpage, for all the cryptic legal baffle-gab that's there).  If the site developer had actually spent more time spell-checking, standard grammer-checking and oh-- maybe actually proving that the devices and documentation meet any sort of scientific criteria (let alone English grammatical criteria), they might have been spared from this list.  As it is-- they are the reason I've started this list. (The "Tesla Secret" document, which accompanies your purchase is such a  joke and is... so poorly written, that I am convinced it was written by someone who's first language is not English).

They have a "Zero-Tolerance For SPAM" page (  Good on 'em, I say.  We don't want any of that evil SPAM/sludge clogging up our mailboxes and internet lines.

What I like the most about this "site", is that they start off with a really bad Youtube video that supposedly shows "Proof of Concept."-- (using $2 worth of parts); a video in which, if you click through to the actual Youtube page itself (video found here: -- you'll discover that the area where you normally can post comments on Youtube) --  has been disabled, as in:

"Adding comments has been disabled for this video."

My favorite part of the video is where he uses the "contraption" to charge his cell phone.

Then the site goes on to talk about "Saving your cold hard-earned cash" (some of which is being chewed up by reading their page BTW).  Can't argue with the saving money thing -- we all want to save money.  And we'll discuss money shortly.

They go on to spout some pseudo-science-- pulling quotations completely out of context, and hit the reader with HUGE red type -- statements that should amount to the kill ... the closing of the deal (as they say in business school) - "hook, line and sinker."  Nikola Tesla did work on acquiring energy from the "atmosphere", and from the earth and magnetic fields.  He was an honorable man, and did want to give it to the world for free.  That much is true. The humanity of this genius is not in question.  The exploitation of this genius is.

If you believe that a  $2 handful of diodes and capacitors (as demonstrated in the video) can pull electricity from the air, my email address is, and I will mail you a crisp $100 bill (even in US currency -- although by the time you read this, the US dollar might not be worth any more than a Belize dollar).  So between the fact that no one will challenge me on this, and the sinking value of the US dollar, I think my investment if pretty safe.

Now, to be fair, the $2 device they demonstrate in the Youtube video is likely not the same as the one you have to drop $240 to gain access to in a "Member's Area".  Ho-ho-ho!  Wait, here comes the bait and switch (it's really only $47-- keep reading).

There are a number of "Products" -- I'm thinking documents-- that you can purchase -- documents that talk about everything from using Magnets and your Phone to get FREE energy, to oh-- wait-- Real Publications.

These are:
  • "The Renewable Energy Handbook" -- Their Price: $40; We found it for $29.95 HERE.
  • "Living Green" - Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint" -- Their Price: $37; We found it FREE on several websites: HERE , (including in PDF format HERE). 
  • "Gas Saving Devices" -- Their Price: $35.99; We found it FREE (on several sites and in PDF format , HERE for example).  If you really feel compelled to pay something, get it as an e-book at for .99 cents HERE.
  • "Fuel Efficient Vehicles" -- Their Price:  $34; We couldn't even find a print copy of this one (must be such a hit that they ran out of them).  You can get it as an e-book at for .99 cents HERE.
You can buy these individually, or buy the whole kit and kaboodle for $240 (or $290-- it's not immediately obvious what the correct value is on the site, to be honest).  But wait-- there's more.  If you act now, or any time after you've read their webpages, you can get EVERYTHING for $47.  Yes, you heard me right!  Did I mention there was a DVD included?

We can't forget the other 2 "Bonuses."

"Magnets 4 Energy"
"Phone 4 Energy"

Where to even begin??  "Magnets 4 Energy" is all over the internet with fake testimonials.  It basically explains how to create a perpetual motion machine -- which anyone with any physics knowledge (grade 10 Physics should work... OK, maybe Grade 9) will know that it is completely impossible.  Go HERE  (NLCPR.comto read what you would really be getting if you drop your hard earned cash on ANY of these Scams -- they are everywhere, kind of like a bad case of the flu.  Magniworks appears to be the kingpin (or linchpin, bobby-pin, pin-head) of this fiasco-- or perhaps some other nebulous, crack-pot entity.... hard to say.  I checked the ownership of the various domains that report positive results with the junk, and they are all over the map, yet in many ways connected.  This is either a well-organized scam, or a whole bunch of other "mis-informed business-men" that have been taken in by this shyster.  A message to these so-called business-men:  You are in on the scam, or you're plain naive and kinda dumb.
Real-life Person: Ryan

Do I have to even go into "Phone 4 Energy?"  Same kind of sites, except whoo-hoo-- we have a real-life picture of a real-life person on a real-life phone!  You can see him pictured over on the right there.  I'm guessing he's sucking the energy into his ear.

As you progress through the site, we discover you can gain access to the "Member's Area" where the magical Tesla plans resides (plus the other standard fuel and energy saving documents-- most of which, as we've indicated above are free) for just $47.  My guess is, if you hurry, they'll throw in an additional "Member's Access" code for free!

Am I starting to sound like a "Slap Chop" commercial?  Except not nearly as amusing-- and you've not even got to see my nuts.

Oh-- here's the dealeo-- a bit further down, right under the name of the "Founder of", Ben Miller (with a signature made out of a "signature-type" font-- not a real signature)-- which reads:  better hurry-- "there's only 8 more spots left at that incredibly low low price of $47".  Yes, it actually says that.

Let me continue.

They list a number of "Testimonials" from a range of people from around the world.  They pretty much sound like they've been written by the same person (but I could be wrong there-- I admit.)

Here's an excerpt from one of the testimonials:

Kevin Mill,  from somewhere is Greece (Kevin Mill... a nice Greek name-- you'd think they would have at least tried to make up a Greek sounding name), writes:

..."When I saw Tesla Secret, I remembered that if someone would have created a Free Energy Device, it would have been Nikola Tesla – the genius that invented the electricity. "...

Nikola Tesla didn't invent electricity.  To be fair, this testimonial was written by a lay-person in Greece, and it seems English is not his first language.   But it gets better.  He goes on to say:

"And tell you what: this system literally turns my electric meter backwards!"

I can't even comment on that one 'cause my side is hurting too much.

And, to add insult to injury, when I couldn't take any more of this site, and tried to close the window, it prompted me one last time with a pop-up that offered a special family discount for $29.  When I attempted to leave some of the various other "Magniworks"- endorsing sites (,, the list goes on), the same kind of message popped up.  Hmmm.  Oh, also the "Phone4Energy sites did the same thing.  Coincidence?  Excuse me, I have to go wash my hands and throw acid in eyes.

By the above "Magniworks-endorsing" Site names, you would think that you're about to read that the Magnet4Energy technology is a scam-- but you actually get what is essentially a medium to great review (ie: wouldn't want to get a 100 on a test when you're cheating -- too obvious-- get a few questions wrong).  This is exactly what these sites are doing, and the more of them that are out there, the bigger the scam gets.  Do I really have to explain this to you?

So in conclusion, after all this wailing on about, and through just a few subsiquent simple googles, we have discovered that the creator of this site ( is, as I've mentioned earlier in on the scam, or plain naive and kinda dumb.

By the by -- Mr. Ben Miller, and the other ilk should read this page:
Title of the Article:   FTC Sues Promoters of Bogus Fuel Efficiency Device
FYI:  FTC stands for "Federal Trade Commission."